Call For Paper    (Vol.22,Issue-1, Jul-2024) 

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Publish Research or Review Article with high impact factor in Globally popular e journal














  • Originality, Prior Publication, and Media Relations:-         

Publication should totally seek unique work that has not been formerly released or currently not under examination at another journal/conference. The web and other electronic publication should be observed the same as a create publication for this user. Republication of a structure in another language, or simultaneously in several publications with different viewers, may be appropriate, provided that there was wide and popular disclosure of its unique source during distribution of the holograph.

          At the  time of submission, writers should give away details of relevant documents they have written, even if in a different terminology, or similar documents in press, and any carefully relevant documents formerly released or currently under examination at another journal/conference.

  • Plagiarism Policy:-    

  Piracy is the use of others' released and unregistered concepts or conversation (or other perceptive property) without attribution or authorization, and dealing with them as younger and unique rather than deducing from a current resource. The purpose and result of plagiarism is to misinform the various readers as to the efforts of the buccaneer. This is applicable whether the guidelines or conversation is taken from abstracts, analysis allow programs, Institutional Evaluation Panel programs, or unregistered or released manuscripts in any book structure (print or electronic).

        Self-plagiarism represents the routine of a writer using areas their old documents on the same subject in another of journal, without particularly stating it officially in quotations. This work out is extensive and sometimes accidental, as there are just so numerous methods to browse the exact same factor on many features, especially when composing particularly part of a content. Although this usually smashes the trademark that has been assigned to the founder, there is no agreement as to whether this is a type of medical wrong doings, or how many of one's own terms one can use before it is truly "plagiarism." Probably for this purpose self-piracy is not seen in the same mild as plagiarism of the guidelines and terms of other individuals.

  • Possible Misconduct:

         IJRDT has an open policy on managing scientific misconduct done by writers, experts, publishers and others and if any inappropriate perform observed by an IJRDT publication control group shall be worked quickly and exactly. The journals do not keep the power to take a official legal query regarding wrong doings. On monitoring scientific misconduct done by writers IJRDT group will hold manuscript instantly until the matter is eliminated licitly for that source will be given sufficient time and support from IJRDT group.

           IJRDT group will set up separate panel based on harshness of scientific misconduct and instructions of description sent only to the individual against whom the charge is drawn. After examining description if found accountable person will be prohibited to publish/review  manuscript in IJRDT later on.