Call For Paper    (Vol.22,Issue-1, Jul-2024) 

          Submit Manuscript




Publish Research or Review Article with high impact factor in Globally popular e journal














High impact Factor Jornals

1.Journal Promote the advancement in technology with the highest standard of the editorial panel.


2. The journal provides service to the research scholar, Educational institute, Professional and students.


3. The journal brings together scientists, researchers and students with raw thoughts, original research and practical experiments       in the arena of technology for the benefit of common humanity.


4. Encourage researchers and students to design projects according to the demand of fellowship


5. To create a journal that holds the best quality, current and easy legibility.


6. Journal employs paperless submission and evaluation of research to promote transparency in the peer review process.


7. The journal is published using an open approach, which advances in the peer-reviewed research paper freely available online   without registration.