Call For Paper    (Vol.22,Issue-1, Jul-2024) 

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Publish Research or Review Article with high impact factor in Globally popular e journal














  • Reviewer Policy:-

Reviewers will be expected to be professional, honest, courteous, prompt, and constructive. The desired major elements of a high-quality review should be as follows:

  • Reviewers will be expected to be professional, honest, courteous, prompt, and constructive. The desired major elements of a high-quality review should be as follows:
  • The client should have recognized and stated on major pros and cons of research design and methodology
  • The reviewer should give opinion perfectly and successfully upon the tone of the writer's making of the information, such as quotation of its limitations.
  • The reviewer should opinion on major strong points and foibles of the manuscript as a written interaction, independent of the purpose, technique, results, and presentation of the topic.
  • The reviewer should reply to any moral issues brought up by the study, or any potential reasons of low standards of scientific actions.
  • The reviewer should provide the origin with useful recommendations for improvement of the holograph.
  • The inspection should provide the editor the right setting and perspective to make a determination on acceptance (and/or revision) of the holograph.
  • All evaluators should learn of the publication’s objectives and publishers should create sure you develop them and recommend academic materials
  • The editors should regularly evaluate all opinions for quality; they may also modify opinions before publishing them to writers, or simply not publish them if they sense they are not beneficial or appropriate. Scores of evaluation top quality and other efficiency features of evaluators should be regularly analyzed to ensure maximum efficiency, and must lead to choices on reappointment or continuous evaluation demands.

Article Correction Policy:

    We are only able to fix typographical mistakes in the following: writer titles, connections, articles' headings, abstracts and search phrases. We can publish a modification to your article if there is a serious mistake, for example, pertaining to scientific precision, or if your popularity or that of the publication would be impacted. We do not publish improvements that do not include the participation in a fabric way or considerably damage the visitor's worry of the contribution